Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Aloha Oe 10 Feb 2014

Aloooooooooha Nielsen Ohana,

I don't even know how to start.. This last week has been amazing. Heavenly Father has blessed us so much, we were able to teach. I think this was the most lessons we'd taught in the whole transfer. I was just so grateful for everything Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I have just had the overwhelming peace about everything. 

We taught Ty twice. (I'm trying to schedule as many lessons as I can!) He's progressing slowly, but he did say that he feels that just by meeting with us has blessed his life and that his spirituality has increased. That is the best thing to hear as a missionary. Our job is only to invite and then allow him to use his agency to accept or not. But I know he'll be baptized one day. He even came to the baptism on Saturday! And we're teaching him again this evening.

We also taught Judy. She is coming along so well! We brought a member with us and the lesson just went so well! We talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ and a little bit about why we do baptisms for the dead in the temple. She  knows so much about the church and comes to all the single adult activities, but has said, "I'm not interested". But her heart has soften and she is doing amazing! She asked us to help her wash her windows this week and clean all the screens. I think she really appreciated that a lot. She even came to church on Sunday which she has never done before!

Marty was able to be baptized on Saturday. My last baptism as a representative of Jesus Christ. It was incredible. That adversary had been working hard this last week though that's for sure. He was sick during one of our appts and when we went to go and do his interview with our district leader he wasn't home. We waited outside his appt a lot this last week. But everything was able to work out and he was baptized. The ward has done an amazing job fellowshipping and picking them up and helping them feel included.

In Hawaii whenever someone moves or leaves they will always sing "Aloha Oe'" to them in church. (Youtube the song.) So since it was my last Sunday they sang to me. Ahh.. I cannot decide if it was a blessing or punishment! All I could think was I cannot believe it's over. This has been the most amazing experience of my life. I will never be the same. It's definitely been such an emotional week. But one thing that keeps popping in my head that Sister Brianna Atencio said in her homecoming talk is "Don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened." How grateful I am that this was part of the plan for my life! Heavenly Father is so good to me.

"I am called of God, my authority is above that of the kings of the earth, by revelation I have been selected as a personal representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my master and has chosen me to represent him. To stand in his place, to say and do what he himself would say and do if he were personally ministering unto the very people of whom he has sent me. My voice is his voice. My acts are his acts. My words are his words and my doctrine is his doctrine. My commission is to do what he wants done. To say what he wants said. To be a living modern witness in word and deed of the divinity of his great and marvelous latter day work. How great is my calling!"

I am so grateful to be in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission. The ALOHA mission. The atonement of Jesus Christ is my message, love of God and others is my motivation and obedience to the commandments and mission rules is my strength. By sharing the gospel with others we can give them the HA the breath of life. Even eternal life. Aloha. 

I love you all so much. Thank you for being the most amazing family in the world. I will see you in a few days.

Sister Nielsen

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Last 100 yards. 3 Feb 2014

Aloha my dear Ohana, 

Well here's an update on the work in the lord's vineyard this week! 

Marty is getting baptized this SATURDAY! I am so so so so so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the wonderful miracles he's sent to me, throughout my entire mission. This one especially. It is just a confirmation that he loves me an is aware of me and my prayers. 

Our lessons with Marty this last week went well. We taught him the Word of Wisdom, and in another lesson Sabbath day and Law of Tithing. He has a few concerns about the Word of Wisdom. He wanted to understand why coffee and tea, but he said he would be willing to give it up and that he's ready to be baptized. Ahhh I just love this family so much. They don't understand english very well, but I just love them so much! 

We didn't get a chance to meet with Ty this week. Just couldn't coordinate. But we have a lesson tonight! 

We had interviews with President on Wednesday. And I feel like I had so many things I wanted to bring up with him, but then I got in there and realized that I didn't need to. Heavenly Father had already resolved a lot of my concerns and that I didn't need to bother President because they had already been addressed. But we had a good interview. He talked a lot of reading the book of mormon and finding that spiritual protection. I did mention to him that I wondered if I ever became the 4th kind of missionary and he reassured me that I was there the whole time. I guess I just wanted to hear it from him and confirm that I'd done everything that I could. 

I also got to be interviewed by Sister Warner, and the first thing she asked is how are you doing, I told her I was doing good and then she just started shaking her head, and mentioned about my companion and how she doesn't know what to do to help her and how she cannot imagine being her companion. It was such a shock for me to hear this coming out of Sister Warner's mouth! But I just said that yes, sometimes I don't know what to do, but we're working which I am so grateful for. She gets up at 6:30 and lets me run while she walks and just follows. We're doing it! And my only advice was to just love her, that's all I can really do. Sister Robertson has mentioned she has felt more judged sometimes by the Warners. But they are just.. completely different. It was just interesting. But I absolutely love Sister Warner! 

On Friday we did service for Elizabeth in the Rain! Cut her grass and all it was good. That night we also had dinner at the Warner's home! It was really fun. I was really excited to be there. I don't know if my companion was or not, I could tell she was a little on edge the whole time. But they were just so wonderful and got to hear a little bit about their families. I just love them so much. 

Saturday we were suppose to have dinner with this guy named Jon. His wife is a member, but he's been coming to church with her for 5 plus years or something. But he dodges the missionaries. But we talk to him at church and I think he's gotten used to us. We invited him to go to dinner with us on Saturday and that we'll treat. He texted us back and said that lunch would be better but that he will treat! He told us to meet him at Yummy's in the Manoa marketplace. Well we left an hour early because we didn't know where that was at. We got to manoa marketplace and drove around but didn't see yummy's anywhere. We tried calling everyone. And Jon wasn't responding to us either. We drove around all of Honolulu looking for yummys for about 2 hours! And till finally we gave up, then he called us at about 1:30 and said that he'd forgotten his phone and that they changed the name of the restaurant! He apologized and said he was waiting for us, but we'll have to do it another time. The adversary was working really hard on that one. This would have been the first time he'd ever done anything with missionaries. 

Welp. That was about my week. I feel so.. uhhhhh. I keep having dreams about coming home. But whenever I am home, I don't like it and I just want to be in Hawaii. I don't want to offend, but coming home is definitely more bitter than sweet right now. I love Hawaii with all my heart and soul. And leaving just sounds so unbearable. I love being a missionary. It has changed my life forever. 

 I do not want to come home. Only having one full week left of proselyting is so weird. This transfer hasn't been easy, but at the same time I don't want it to ever end! On February 1st we were at a baptism and I leaned over to Sister Bown and asked if I could tell her a secret, she leaned in close and I whispered, "Today is my 18th month mark" my eyes started to water and she gave me a big hug and said that that gave her chicken skin. I cannot believe it. All is well, all is well. 

Well last 100 yards right here. I am going out sprinting! 
I love you all so much! Have a fabulous week.

Sister Nielsen 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Growing 27 Jan 2014


Well I feel like I just barely emailed y'all. Another week come and gone, Crazy crazy life!

This week was good, definitely a growing week. But our numbers improved which I am so grateful for! Wednesday we had an unplanned exchange. Sister Robertson went with the marshellese sister to go and teach the family with the deaf son, and then I was with Sister Bown. She's been really stressed out lately, it's been a rough transfer for her we just ended up talking things out. And then went to have her fill out this accident report dakine. It was really good to be with her. She's such an amazing missionary and I know exactly how she was feeling. Sometimes I think there needs to be sister trainers for the sister trainers. But I felt as if I was able to play the "big sister" role (since she is my sister) and just listen and give council.

The marshellese family is doing so well! The dad has a date to be baptized on February 8th! He's so solid. He had a job offer on the Big Island and didn't take it because we committed him to be baptized on the 8th. I can't really talk to him very much because his english is small kine. But I can see in his eyes his commitment to his family and how much he wants his sons to get the best education and he's willing to do anything for them.

We had 2 lessons with Ty this last week and they went well. The first one we taught the plan of salvation, he always has good questions. When we talked again about how he felt about being baptized he said that he didn't think it would happen and that he doesn't think he'll ever be baptized. I think my heart just sank when he said that. I really didn't even know what to say. We came back on the weekend and watched finding faith in Christ with him, I think he liked it.  We brought a member with us who just got off her mission from Guam. It was SO good to have her there and to have her insights. He always reads the chapters we give him in the BOM but he doesn't pray. He said it just not something he's been taught to do so it's just weird to him. So that's what the commitment was for him.  We gave him the chapter Moroni 7, I hope and pray that something will hit home to him and that it won't just be 'interesting'. I would really love to see this kid baptized before I'm pau.

Those are really our only 2 progressing investigators. We tract a lot, but don't have a ton of success. Lots of gates and people don't want to talk to us. I am happy we're working. I want to finish so strong!

I feel like this transfer has just been.. helping me grow. I am so grateful for the continuation of refinement. There was a time this week I was just really upset, I missed kohala and didn't feel I was helping this area out at all. I read a quote from my book of Small Plates for Sister Nielsen which read, "Every area, companion, and experience is specifically tailored for YOU. To help and refine you to become who Heavenly Father wants you to be." And another, "Heavenly Father's plan is always bigger and better." I never thought I would struggle with that. But I learn thing everyday.

I love you so much! Thanks for everything. :)

Sister Nielsen 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

He Hears Every Word 21 Jan 2014

Aloha my dear family! 

Well today we went to the temple! It was so amazing. I really love the temple so much. The La'ie temple is one of my favorites and will always have a special place in my heart.

This last week has been good. Kind of slow moving, but good we definitely saw some miracles. For example.. Ty has a date! I was SOOO excited! We taught him last monday night at the snows home and it was amazing. The spirit was so strong,we taught the beginning part of the Restoration and then tied it into Joseph Smith, the movie we watched last week. And we actually found out he'd been blessed in the church. There really are no coincidences with our Heavenly Father. We committed him to be baptized on February 2nd. Sister Snow's reaction when we committed him to be baptized was so funny. She was so surprised I thought she was going to fall out of her seat! Sometimes I don't think members know what to do when we extend the invitation. It freaks them out for some reason. But he said he would, if he knew that what we were teaching him is true. Ahh I seriously LOVE this kid. We have another lesson with him on Wednesday evening.

We also found 3 new investigators! Which is amazing for Kahala. One of them is Peter, he is a musician and plays for the christmas concert every year and has a lot of member friends. We had an appt scheduled with him and had a quick lesson introducing the Book of Mormon. One of his friends gave it to him a while ago, but he hasn't read it yet. We gave him the background and he said that he was really interested now. He'd grown up catholic, but over the years decided that he likes the mormon people better. :) We tried to set up a return appt, but he said he wanted to read the whole BOM before that, :/ He said that he reads really fast though and that he would finish it in about 2 weeks. I told him that I'd be leaving soon so I hope that that was motivation for him to read fast! I keep praying for that. He's such a nice man and I really want to teach him! He's so ready.

On Wednesday we went to Pearl Harbor and did service as a zone. I've been there about 7 or 8 times now so it wasn't anything new. But it was still a good time.

Another one of our new investigators is a referral from the marshallese ward. They just moved here from the marshall islands because they're 4 year old son is deaf. And since we're over the deaf group we were able to go and visit them and help them get connected with the deaf school, (which most of our ward members work at) and they came to church! The mom is a convert of about 10 years or so and the dad isn't a member and wants to be taught. So we have an appt this next week with them and the marshallese sister in the area to interpret. :) We're working with 3 different languages. Being in the deaf group on Sunday was fun though. I used some of the small sign that I know from good ol' Choraliers! I was at least able to introduce myself and say that my talent is singing. Haha.

On Saturday President Warner and Elder Auna (our area 70) did a follow up training from the last conference in June of Hastening the Work of Salvation for all the leaders/ward members. It was SOO good! I just love them both so much. I really hope our member are catching the fire of how important they really are in missionary work. Our ward mission leader is actually going to start teaching the member missionary class, like what we were doing on Big Island. I suggested it to him and he really liked it. That will be so good!

Other than that we were trying to contact LAPMs in the ward and just find new investigators. I feel as if I am finally starting to see why it is that I need to be back here on O'ahu. I was so sad and had such a hard adjust from the Big Island. But I am so grateful to be teaching Ty, and well as to learn from Sister Robertson. I also feel that if I died in Kohala that I would have been an ever bigger disaster than how I was here, but at least I am still a missionary so it wasn't so bad. It will be an easier adjustment for the future transfer. Which I am grateful for. Heavenly Father really has blessed me so much on my mission. I feel as if this transfer I have really started to see my relationship with Him and our Savior Jesus Chirst. He know me, and he hears my prayers. I love being a missionary. This is the best time I've ever had in my life. I love Hawaii and the amazing people.

I love you so much! Thank you for being the amazing family that you are. :)

Sister Nielsen 

My companion!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lengthen your stride. 13 Jan 2014

Aloha Nielsen Family!

Well this week has been a lot faster than last week was. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father and his continued awareness of all his children.

We did have some have some miracles, we have a new investo! His name is Ty. He's 19 years old and works as a care taker for one of the older couples in our ward. He helps out with the husband who has Parkinson disease. He comes to church every Sunday for 'work' and stays and helps out during sacrement meeting. He doesn't have much religious background in his life, but his grandparents were baptized into the lds church when they were like 60 or something. And when they died they left a book of remembrance of all the names they took to the temple or something that he was really interested in.

Tuesday after district meeting we went and did service for Marie, a recent convert of about 4 months. (She's also the one we hike diamond head with on Saturday mornings..) We helped mown her lawn and she had one of the old fashion push lawn mowers. It was kind of fun to use it actually! A lot harder than a gas one but it was a good experience. :) It took us a lot longer than we had expected, but we got it done.

Tuesday night the Snows invited us to dinner and also to watch the "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" movie with Ty. Right before the movie started I asked his is he was getting paid for this time we ate dinner and were with him. He said yes with a grin. Haha, our members are paying him hourly while he meets with the missionaries. Whatever works right!? He's such a good nice kid. He had a lot of really good thought provoking questions at the end. Like.. "Do you think everyone will one day be mormon?" It was really good and we have a return appt with him tonight. 

After the lesson we had to go and pick something up at Marie's home and I don't even really know what happen, but I don't really think she likes my companion very much and wasn't very happy with her when she just asked her a simple question. She said that she was disrespectful to her elders and was rude. My companion got a little defensive because she hadn't done anything wrong, but there was a little bit of contention in the room and I was left in the middle. I didn't really know what to do, but it only lasted about 15 seconds and then we left. I guess this wasn't the first time they've gone at it, but it was the worst one Sister Robertson said. Marie is just really sensitive and you can tell her self esteem and confidence isn't like normal adults. Sister Robertson and I talked about it after she felt bad because we are missionaries and are suppose to represent Jesus Christ. So that caused a little bit of drama this week, Marie told our ward mission leader and a few other members about it.

On Wednesday we went to this Salvation Army family rehab center. A woman named Jennifer had called and asked us to come and give her some spiritual upliftment. She's a member but has been less active for quite some time. She told us her story of how she stopped coming to church and then became an alcoholic. She's pregnant with her 3rd child at the moment and in the rehab has been sober for 40 something days. She admitted herself, she said that it was better than living on the streets and she wants to change. We had such a sweet spirit in our lesson. She then told us about her boyfriend and soon to be baby daddy and how he has shown some interest in the gospel. He wants their child to be brought up with religion in their life. So we took his number and called him and set up an appt!

Friday I went on exchange to Manoa area. My companion for the day was Sister Walter, the cutest sister missionary from chuuke. (Micronesia) She's been out for about 5 months. But we had a good day! Tracting with her was so fun. And it was a nice break and breath of fresh air to be out from the pressure of being in my area. Sister Bown (my sister in the mission, we were both trained by Sister Wright) is the Sister Trainer and she went with my companion. They were able to teach Kelly, Jennifer's boyfriend and I guess they had a really good lesson. He said he was going to be able to come to church, but called and said he wasn't going to be able to make it this week. It was a good day.

Well.. That was my week! I am trying to work my hardest and to get things done. But I still don't know the area very well and I don't feel as effective as I'd like to be my last transfer in my mission. But I am grateful for the knowledge that this is the LORD'S work, not my own. All I have to do is my best and He will make up the rest. But my goal of us this next week is to lengthen our stride. Walk a little faster, but a little more diligent. 

I love being a missionary. There's no where else I'd rather be. I cannot believe how fast time is flying. It makes me nervous.

Love you all so much! Have a great week! 

Love and Aloha,
Sister Nielsen 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Alma 37:39-40. 6 Jan 2014

Aloha My Wonderful Family! 

Ohh I'm glad you got the card and picture! I really liked it when I saw it and I have a smaller one on my planner cover. :) Being a missionary is amazing.

Well this week has felt like forever long! I flew to O'ahu on Tuesday morning and it's been a hard adjust since. Leaving Kohala and Sister Lauhingoa has been so hard. I feel like this is the first area that I've been the leader and made a difference. I wasn't expecting to leave,but I know there is a reason for all things.

My new companion is Sister Robertson, Samoan girl from the ghetto of LA. She was in Kona before and I've been on exchanges with her. Some people tease her and call her kolohe, meaning like rascal. She's a good missionary and her story of how she grew up I cannot even imagine. When I first got here to Kahala, I was ready to work! It was new years eve and we were suppose to stop pros at 5pm. But we didn't really do anything for our area.

That night we went to a party at a members home on one of the mountains and President Dalton was there! It was so crazy to see him. He was wearing an aloha shirt and his hair was a little longer than I remember. I guess he came for a baptism. It was amazing to see how you could see that the mantle of being the mission president was no longer with him and that it was shining all over President Warner. He's been making a lot of changes to the mission that I know some missionaries aren't very happy with. But then need to be done and it's coming from the Lord. We watched the fire works and then headed home. I seriously cannot believe that it's 2014. Where did the time go!?

New Years Day we were able to get up at 8:30.. Sleeping in? What!? It felt so strange and I'm pretty sure I woke up at 6:30 anyway. We then went to the church and played basketball and volleyball with the other missionaries. As well as watch Ephraim rescue! I thought it was good, but I like 17 miracles better I think.

Thursday was back to pros. We week planned and it was interesting hearing about how the area was doing. I knew it was a more difficult area just because I was here before. But we don't have any progressing investigators and they taught on average about 6 lessons a week. It was hard not to compare that christmas week Sister Lauhingoa and I taught 19 lessons. I know every area is different, but we definitely have some work to do. It was good though cause Sister Robertson then told me that she was ready to work. She said she realized that people think of her as a cruz missionary and she doesn't like that. She wants to work and if she ever gets lazy to whip her into shape. It was good to hear that.

We have had some miracles though, we've gone tracking and found 3 new investigators! We also stopped and talked to these suuuupper rich people who let us come back and do service at their home on Saturday! I tried to invited her to have the missionary lessons, but I don't think she heard me. But they said that we could come back anytime and that we're part of the family now. So we're definitely coming back.

On Saturday we also hiked Diamond Head with a recent convert whose a little older but keeps hiking it because, "if you stop doing it you loose it". She kept saying that the whole time.

I guess I've just had a really hard adjust. I miss the Big Island like crazy and I feel I'm more Kohala trunky when most people would be 'coming home trunky'. I've been trying to snap out of it and focus on where I am at. I also feel this pressure that  I know there is a reason for me to be in Kahala. But with that I don't have any time to waste! 5 weeks isn't long and if we're not exactly where we're suppose to be when Heavenly Father wants us to be there. We won't do what he has intended for us to do. I feel like I understand this, but I really don't have very much control over anything because I haven't been in the area and I have to rely oh my companion. I've just been praying for a miracle and to know what is it I'm suppose to do. The scripture I have at the top has become my transfer theme about the Liahona and how it works. I am grateful for the many blessing and experiences I have as a missionary.

I love being a missionary, even if I'm in Kahala. I'd rather be here than doing.. Anything else! Thanks for everything that you do! I love you so much. Have a wonderful week!

Love and Aloha,
Sister Nielsen 

P.S. Pictures are my last night on Big Island.

 New Year's Eve!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A hui hou Kohala. 30 Dec 2013

Aloha my Nielsen Fam!

Well.. This week seems like a blur. With Christmas and everything, it really didn't feel like Christmas this year. It's still strange that's Christmas can be warm. But it was so good to talk and SEE you guys. So crazy, but good! They rest of the day we worked on getting skype to connect to Tonga for like 2 hours. But we finally did! I was praying that Sister Lauhingoa would be able to talk to her family. We then went to Waimea and to cruz with the other missionaries.

Just for a little update! 2 weeks ago the whole mission got interviewed by a general authority and President Warner. Because of some drama that had happened in the mission they came and interviewed everything and committed us to be 100% obedient. But after talking to everyone else about the interviews it was amazing how really inspiring they were. They added a little something different in each one that personalized to them. In my interview President explained what they were doing and then asked if I would be obedient. I said yes. (Of course) Then he called me a "seasoned missionary" and shared a scripture from Luke 22:31 and taught about the importance of being an example as a leader and that Satan has desire to have ME. That my weakest points become the other sisters because they watch me. It was interesting because we had just listened to a talk by John Bytheway on the drive down where he was talking about being an example of the believers. I guess sometimes I don't really think that I am an example to other missionaries. It was a good reminded. :) Elder Richards then told me that my mission is preparing me to be a better wife and mother.. YIKES! 

We worked last monday (and took our p-day on Christmas) and on Tuesday till 2pm. We actually still had a really successful week! We taught a total of 19 lessons! So close to 20. But we saw so many miracles as well.

On Thursday I went on my last exchange as a Sister Trainer with Sister LeBaron. (I'm getting released) It was so good! She was one of the sisters I was over in Ewa so we were able to reminisce about our other exchanges. She'd actually been a Sister Trainer on O'ahu before she came to Big Island and so we talked about our callings and our responsibilities. Her zone was very disobedient, but she didn't want to hear about it and was so oblivious to everything that was going on. I guess President was expecting her to report things as a leader, but she really didn't know anything. It was a good talk, and a good exchange we taught to many lessons! She's such a good missionary. I look up to her a lot.

While on exchange I talked to the assistants and they told me that I was being transferred. It was such a strange feeling. And I don't think it really hit me at that time since I was in Kona. We exchanged back Friday morning and then Sister Lauhingoa and I headed to my DLTM meeting  in Kona. My last one! The Elders were funny at the end they asked if I would share my words of wisdom since I had been in Leadership for a long time. I'm like a grandma in the mission.

We then headed back to Kohala. It was a rainy day and everything was so green, I think that's when everything sunk in. I didn't want to tell Sister Lauhingoa since we really weren't supposed to know yet. The elders called later that day and said, "You're leaving." --"I know" (They always call the airlines and find out things). Sister Lauhingoa and I just sat in the car for a while, we both ended up crying a little bit. I've never been so sad to leave an area before. I really thought I was going to finish my mission here. She told me, "I was wondering why you were acting so strange.. You kept saying, "Look how green everything is.. Ohh it's so beautiful." "Josh can we take a picture with you?" " Guess I was getting a little sentimental about everything.

Kaya Lee our investigator was scheduled to be baptized on Saturday. Thursday she was suppose to have her interview while we were on exchange, but Tina (her cousin- member) called and said that they wanted to push it to the next week since they were in Hilo that day and couldn't make it for the interview. When I got back from exchange I just left a message that transfers was this next week and we knew that one of us was leaving. Tina's served a mission and knows how that feels. She then said she would see what she could do. We got a text Saturday morning that Kaya would be baptized the next weekend. I was so sad, everything happens for a reason.

Sunday was Sister Lauhingoa's birthday! So I woke up at 5am and make her breakfast. (I feel like it's just tradition now.) It was complete with pancakes, burnt bacon, sausage, kohala oranges, and rambutan. :) Sister Lauhingoa said that she had a dream that Kaya got baptized today. We kinda shrugged it off like, well that probably wont happen. We then got a call from Tina saying that Kaya wanted to be baptized that evening! Ahhh! We were so excited. We quickly made preparations and she was baptized that evening. We had to cancel our member missionary class but it was so worth it! I love that girl so much. And I feel like I feel complete to leave now. Heavenly Father is so good to me.

Well tomorrow morning I'm headed to Honolulu-Kahala on O'ahu. This is the area I was over with Sister Smoot before, and then again with Sister Fong and Sister Kuok. Rich area. When we were in both Aliamanu and Kahala. I never really got to know that ward very well since we were in 2 areas and I loved Aliamanu. I am glad that Heavenly Father still sees fit to refine me, even this seasoned grandma missionary before I come home. I know that there is a reason for me to be in Kahala. This morning I remembered an experience of being in Kahala and eating dinner with a part member family and having the thought that I could come back to Kahala later in my mission to teach them. I don't even remember who they are. But here I am.. Headed back to Kahala for the 3rd time. Obviously there is something Heavenly Father wants me to do. I'm so sad to leave Kohala, but excited to see the miracles that will come this last transfer.

I love you all so much! Have a happy New Year with many resolutions! (Dad.. I'm so happy to hear the basement is getting worked on! Cheehoo!)

Sister Nielsen